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Mims Medical Microbiology 5th Edition Pdf Free Download chadfla




The first edition of this textbook was published in 1983 and has been continuously revised and updated to reflect the latest developments in clinical microbiology. The new edition of *Eberhard-Grantham Approach to Infectious Diseases* focuses on all aspects of microbiology, including epidemiology, the clinical microbiology of infectious diseases, diagnosis, and treatment. This new edition brings the latest advances in microbiology into focus. The book is organized into five major parts, followed by an index of diseases, an index of diseases, abbreviations, and glossary of terms. It covers the epidemiology of infectious diseases; human, animal, and food microbiology; microbiological diagnostic methods; therapeutic drugs and procedures; and emerging diseases. The most popular therapeutic approaches are discussed in depth. In Part I, the authors provide an overview of the microbial world. They explain how microbes are identified, and they address the subjects of microbiology and disease in the animal world and food microbiology. In Part II, the authors introduce the reader to the infectious diseases of clinical importance to the practicing clinician. The diversity of the organism and the clinical syndromes that are presented are remarkable. This section covers the epidemiology of the human diseases and is followed by a chapter on the animal diseases. This section begins with a chapter on pneumonia and discusses the epidemiology of respiratory tract infections, including *Streptococcus pneumoniae*, *Mycoplasma pneumoniae*, *Chlamydia pneumoniae*, and *Legionella pneumophila*. Following this chapter on pneumonia, several diseases caused by gram-negative bacilli, including those caused by *Klebsiella pneumoniae*, *Pseudomonas aeruginosa*, *Haemophilus influenzae*, *Escherichia coli*, *Burkholderia cepacia*, and *Burkholderia pseudomallei*, are discussed. The authors then focus on the diseases caused by gram-positive cocci, including *Streptococcus* spp., *Staphylococcus* spp., *Enterococcus* spp., *Streptococcus* group B, and *Listeria monocytogenes*. These chapters are followed by a chapter on diseases caused by gram-negative cocci, including *Haemophilus* spp., *Klebsiella* spp., *Pseudomonas* spp., *Pse



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